Book Recommendations

Organizing from Inside Out was the first Organizing Book I ever read that truly turned on a light bulb for me.   I read this book 20 years ago, and it changed everything for me.   The information inside it is still relevant, I still reference it, and I still highly recommend this one!

Cozy Minimalist Home by Myquillyn Smith is one that I turn to over and over again.  This book focusing on the décor and *feeling* of your home.  Don’t let the word “minimalist” scare you away – she’s not advocating for sparse spaces or modern décor, she’s advocating for making the biggest impact with your possessions so that you can enjoy your cozy home without spending all your time being a “Stuff Manager.”

Maybe you know KC Davis from Tiktok as Domesticblisters.  Did you know she wrote a book?  Her book is excellent and talks a lot about forgiving yourself, allowing yourself some grace, and how progress is far more important than perfect.  She has a compassionate, and shamefree approach to cleaning and organizing, and I highly recommend the Audio version of this book… it’s like a hug from a friend. 

Eat That Frog! By Brian Tracy.   This book about productivity utilitizes one of my favorite anti-procrastination phrases: Eat a Frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.  This is meant to convey that if there’s a task that is particularly daunting for you, prioritize it.  Do it first, and once you’ve accomplished slaying that beast…. The rest of the day is easy peasy!  This one is an easy, uncomplicated read that always leaves me feeling more motivated to do the things I’ve been putting off.

The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte talks about focusing on how you want to feel and the life you want to live as a basis for how to set your goals.  This one is a little “enlightened, woo-like,” but I love the structure of goal setting based on the visualization of how you want your future to feel.  It takes us away from setting goals based on what we think we are supposed to do, or what is supposed to come next and really gets down to the question of what you want.  How do you want to feel every day when you wake up?  And how do we get you there?


Goals Vs. Resolutions


What is Executive Dysfunction?