Goals Vs. Resolutions

Welcome to a brand-new year! It's that magical time when gym memberships skyrocket, salad sales soar, and the collective consciousness whispers, "This is the year I finally get organized!" As a professional organizer, I've seen it all, and I'm here to talk about Resolutions vs. Goals. Stick around until the end, I’m going to share a FREE Goal Setting Guide with you. <3

Resolutions – they're like that friend who promises to call but conveniently forgets. Goals, on the other hand, are the reliable pals who actually show up to help you move. But don't worry; we're not here to throw shade at resolutions. They mean well, but they often get a bad rap. Let's break it down:

Resolutions: The Quirky Friend

Resolutions, those lovable quirks we all possess, akin to the friend who swears off carbs every Monday but surreptitiously indulges in pasta by Wednesday. Endearing, right? The catch with resolutions is their lack of a game plan, leaving you in a maze without a map.

Think of resolutions as a GPS saying "You've arrived!" without specifying where. Vague and well-intentioned but lacking the precision to get you where you want to be. "I'll be more organized" sounds fantastic, but how? The devil is in the details, my friends.

Goals: The Trusty Blueprint

Now, let's talk goals – the unsung heroes, the blueprints to your success. Why? Because goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound – SMART, if you're into acronyms. Picture this: "I'll declutter my workspace by Friday." That's a tangible finish line, not a vague promise.

Goals are like having a GPS that guides you through the twists and turns of life, ensuring you reach your destination with your sanity intact. Turn left at Productivity Street, and voila, you're there!

Accountability: The Not-So-Secret Weapon

Enter the unsung hero in the success saga – accountability. It's the sidekick that transforms goals from mere aspirations to tangible achievements. Share your goals with a friend, a colleague, or your cat; just vocalize them. Or, if you’re so inclined.- Share them with me! I love talking about goals! Suddenly, there's someone or something expecting you to show up.

Accountability is the friendly nudge that says, "Hey, remember that goal we set? Time to make it happen!" Whether it's a workout buddy, a mentor, or a journal, having someone or something to answer to significantly boosts your chances of success.

The X-Factor: Hiring an Organization Coach

Now, let's talk about the ace up your sleeve – hiring an organization coach. These unsung superheroes specialize in turning chaos into order and dreams into reality. With their guidance, you not only set goals but also create a roadmap to conquer them. An organization coach is your personal GPS, steering you through the twists and turns of life with precision.

Think of it as having a secret weapon in your success arsenal. An organization coach provides tailored strategies, keeps you accountable, and turns your goals from wishful thinking into concrete achievements. If you're serious about leveling up your goal game, consider adding an organization coach to your team.

A Recipe For Success

In the grand dance of resolutions and goals, the winner is the one that comes with a game plan. Be specific, set deadlines, and most importantly, share your aspirations with someone or something that keeps you on track. And if you're ready to elevate your goal-setting prowess, consider bringing an organization coach on board. Here's to a year of intentional strides, concrete achievements, and a reliable roadmap to success. Happy goal-setting!


Use the above link to download a 1-page PDF to help you set some SMART goals. Print as many copies as you need!


Decluttering is a net profit of time


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