Advent Calendar of Self Care
Why Organization Breakdowns are Not Your Fault
There’s a lot of noise out there about how to organize your home and life—color-coded planners, Marie Kondo folding techniques, picture-perfect pantries with matching bins. These things can be beautiful and inspiring, sure, but they don’t always translate to real life, especially for those of us juggling kids, careers, or, you know, just trying to keep up with the chaos of everyday life.
A Simpler, More Intentional Life: CHoose Once.
From the moment we wake up, there are a million tiny decisions waiting for us—what to wear, which products to use, what to buy. These seemingly insignificant choices pile up and leave us feeling stressed. But here’s a simple strategy that can save your sanity: Simplify by making a single choice.
Reconnecting in a Digitally Isolated World
The rise of digital communication has undoubtedly brought convenience, but it has also led to a significant loss of community.
Decluttering is a net profit of time
Decluttering is about reclaiming your time and sanity from the chaos. Here are 10 ways that decluttering will save you time. (Stay tuned for the end, I’ll give you some decluttering tips!)